ADMIN: Auto Post and Auto Advertise all of your Agent's Listings

ADMIN: Auto Post and Auto Advertise all of your Agent's Listings

We have a new feature that allows Parent Accounts to Auto Post and/or Auto Advertise all agent's listings regardless of agent's connection to SocialBAY.

To turn on all Auto Posting of All Agent's Listings in your brokerage
  1. Click on Account Name in the Upper Right Corner
  2. Click on View Profile
  3. Click on Listings 
  4. Scroll Down to Auto-Post All Agent Listings On Company Profiles 
  5. Click On
  6. When you select this as on - you can then set up listing preferences (i.e. price) of listings that you want to be auto-posted
  7. Press SAVE when done

To turn on all Auto Advertising of All Agent's or a Group of Agent's Listings in your brokerage
  1. Click on Account Name in the Upper Right Corner
  2. Click on View Profile
  3. Click on Listings 
  4. Scroll Down to Listing Engine
  5. Click On
  6. Select All Agents or a Group of Agents
  7. Set the Budget

PLEASE NOTE: You will be billed for Listing Engine based on the budget you set when setting up the auto-advertising

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