ADMIN: Profile Listing Settings

ADMIN: Profile Listing Settings

 Navigate to Settings>Listings

1. Company Listings - This feature allows company listings to be available for promotion by all connected agents in your company.
  1. Require all my agents to participate- means that all agents will share their listings with company agents to be used to create posts and ads. 
  2. Allow my agents to opt out any of their listings manually-means that agents can decide on a listing by listing case if they want that listing available to be shared
2. Company Listings Automtion for Agents -  This feature allows agents to automatically post and advertise listings from other agents in the company.
  1. Allowing agents to auto-post from all offices in the company  only applies if your brokerage has more than one office.                                                                                              *This feature will allow all agents to share listings regardless of what office they are in. 
  2. Only allow agents to auto-post listings from their own office only applies if your btokerage has more than one office.                                                                                                 * If you have this box checked, agents will only be able to auto post listings from the office they are a member of. 
3. Auto-Post All Agents Listings on Company Profiles-This feature allows all your agents’ listings to automatically post on
     connected company social media profiles to increase exposure for listings.
4. Listing Post Designs- Select your preferred template to be used for Auto-Posted & Auto-Advertised listings as well as the default design for listings posted manually.
     *Agents will have the ablity to set their own template within their own profile for their auto posting. 
5. Color - Select the default color for listing post designs. *This feature can also be locked and your agents will inherit that branding element on all of their listings overlays. 

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