Auto Posting and Auto Advertising Company Listings

Auto Posting and Auto Advertising Company Listings

One of our newer features within your SocialBAY is the ability to Auto Post and/or Auto Advertise Company Listings that have been made available for Company Wide Promotion. This is a great tool to utilize if you don't have a lot of listings to promote on your Social Media feed OR to help your listings get more eyes looking at it via other Realtor's Social Media feeds!
This is a feature for accounts that are on a company/brokerage provided plan.

Auto Post Company Listings

To utilize this feature, go to your Settings and select Company Listings under the Listing Automation option.
This will take you to a screen where you can set up the Auto Posting of Company Listings to your Social Media feature.
First, select if you want this feature on or off.
If you want this feature on, select the Edit pencil to set up your Auto-post Company Listings preferences.
Then, select which days of the week you want us to post a company listing for you if one is available.
PLEASE NOTE: We will only post one listing a day to your Social Media feed if available as to not overwhelm your page.
Next, set a price range for the company listings that you want auto posted and also set the location from the areas that you want us to post listings from.
Once you have these areas filled out, press the Save button.

Now a Company Listing, if available, will be posted on the day(s) that you selected, within the price range you set, and from the areas you indicated, to your Social Media feed!

Auto Advertise Company Listings

You also have the ability to Auto Advertise those Company Listings posts. 
To utilize this feature, go to your Settings and select Company Listings under the Listing Automation option.
This will take you to a screen where you can set up the Auto Advertising of Company Listings to your Social Media feed.
Scroll down to the section Auto-Advertise Company Listings.
Select whether you want Auto-Advertising of Company Listings on or off.
PLEASE NOTE: You must have Auto Posting of Company Listings turned on and the criteria set in order to utilize this feature.
If you select Auto-Advertising of Company Listings on, you will need to set up your Ad Targeting and Ad Budget.
To learn more about these settings, click here

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