How can I automatically send leads to my CRM or partner?

How can I automatically send leads to my CRM or partner?

When we capture a lead for you, we immediately trigger an email notification to your primary email address. However, we can also send these notifications to up to three additional email addresses.

These notifications are tagged in such a way that every major real estate CRM can automatically read and import them, you just need an email address from your CRM. Here's how to add additional email addresses for lead notifications:

  1. Click My Settings in the lower left of your SocialBAY and select Notifications
  2. Under "Lead Email Notifications" you'll see a field labeled "Should we send leads to any other email address?" Enter any additional address there. 
  3. If you'd like to send notifications to more email addresses, just click Click to add address   
  4. Make sure you click Save Changes when you're done!

 Make sure you contact your CRM for the proper email to use!

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