Listing Videos

Listing Videos

We are so excited to be introducing a new feature to your SocialBAY platform, LISTING VIDEOS! This article will cover all of the information you’ll need to know to take advantage of this feature.

What are they?

Whenever you get a new listing, we will automatically create a listing video for your new listing! We have a variety of video templates and audio tracks to choose from. You will be able to easily share this video to your social media pages to showcase your listing! 

Do all of my new listings get a video created?

Not all of them, unfortunately. We can only create listing videos for residential or land listings at this time. Your listing will also need to have a minimum of 5 photos in order for us to generate a video for you. Make sure all of your profile information is filled out and completed as well! Otherwise, we will not be able to generate a video if we have incomplete branding information for you. 

Will you auto-post my listing video? 

We will be able to auto-post your listing videos to whatever social media platforms you are connected to through SocialBAY. You can do this by clicking on your settings icon and selecting Listings. Scroll down to where your Listing Video Settings are and select the box that will allow SocialBAY to auto post the listing video created automatically for you to your connected social networks. Be sure to press Save when done! 

Where can I find these videos?

You will be able to find your listing videos by clicking on Listings on your left navigation bar. Under each of your listings, you will see a “Listing Video” area. If the video is completed, you will see a green Done. If for some reason the video was not created, you will see why we could not create the video in red. 

What can I do with the video now that it’s been created?

Now that your listing video has been created, you can watch a preview of your video! You will also see 3 dots, click on those dots to view additional actions. Additional actions you can do:
  1. Schedule a listing video post to go out to your social media profiles 
  2. Copy the video link and add the video to your MLS or include the link in your email signatures! 
  3. Download the video as an mp4 file 
  4. Edit the video settings (see below for more on editing your video)
  5. View video settings 

Can I edit the video after it’s been created?

YES! Click on the 3 dot actions button, and select Edit Video. Now you can select from our different video templates and audio tracks. Choose the ones you would like to use for the video. Select Next, and now you can rearrange, remove, or add photos to your video.
We do have a 20 photo maximum limit for the video 
If you want to add or change the photos on the video, you can choose from additional images from your listing OR upload images directly from your desktop. Remember: A listing video needs a minimum of 5 images and has a maximum of 20 images. 

Once you have all of your edits made, select Save&Finish. Your new video will start to be created. It could take some time to re-create your video with the edits depending on how many videos we currently have in our queue. 

Can I set certain settings for my listing videos?

YES! To set up your listing video settings, click on Settings -> Listings. Scroll down to the Listing Video area. By default, your video template and audio track settings are set to randomize; this means that each time you get a new listing, we will select a template and audio track at random to create your video. If you want to change this and have all of your videos use the same template and audio track to be uniform, simply click on Update to adjust these settings. 

This is where you can also turn on your automation to Youtube. Connect your Youtube page by going to Settings -> Content. If you have this setting selected, whenever we create a listing video for a new listing, we will also automatically upload that video to your Youtube page for you. 

Can I request an unbranded listing video? 

Yes! Once the video has been created, click on the 3 dot action button. Select Request Unbranded Video. Your video will then be re-queued to create a new video with no branding on it. This can take up to 24 hours depending on how many videos our servers are currently processing, but we normally do not see it taking that long to get your updated video. 

Listing Videos are only available for plans Bronze and higher.

If you have any additional questions or need assistance, please reach out to our Support Team at

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