Where To Add Compliance Information In Your SocialBAY
We understand that you may be in a state/province that requires you to display specific information on all of your marketing and advertising. For example, CA requires agents to include their DRE number on all advertisements, including digital. We want to ensure that you are staying compliant in your advertising efforts so here are the areas in your SocialBAY where you can add/edit information:
Profile Settings: In your Profile Settings
you can add your Company Name, Company Phone Number, and your Agent License Number to be displayed on your Single Property Websites.
Content Signature: If you need specific information to go out on all of your posts and ads, you can add that information into your Content Signature. Just go to your Settings -> Content Signature; scroll down and click Change to begin adding information here.
Postcards: Our postcards will automatically pull in your Agent Information from your Profile settings. They also include the Fair Housing and Realtor logo. The disclaimer included on the postcards reads “If your property is listed with a real estate broker, please disregard. It is not our intention to solicit the offerings of other real estate brokers.”
You do have the ability to edit this information directly on the postcard as you are creating your order:
- Click on the text box/line that you would like to make edits to and the editor box will appear.
- Type in your edits and click the checkmark to save your changes.
If you get contacted by the ADA for any compliance issues, please email into
support@backatyou.com for assistance.
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