Why am I receiving leads from outside of my target area?

Why am I receiving leads from outside of my target area?

It is absolutely normal to receive leads from outside your target area. It can happen for a variety of reasons and is still potentially valuable to you. Here are some scenarios that could result in leads coming from outside your target demographics:
  • Your Back At You landing pages are public and can be shared with other people. So, anyone who sees one of your landing pages via content could send this form to someone they know who may be interested in finding out what their home is worth, for example.
  • Sometimes people want to know the value of a second property they own or the value of a family member's property. Often, these properties are in distant areas and, therefore, out of your targeted area.
  • Let's say we post a Home Value landing page post for you and an individual Likes that post. Sometimes Facebook will show posts we've Liked to our friends, assuming we may have similar interests. However, let's say the friend that is shown the post now lives two states away. They could very easily submit a lead to see the valuation of their home.
The biggest thing to remember is that none of these scenarios are subtracting from your ad spend. They are mostly just the result of Organic Reach on Facebook. So, if you get a lead that is outside of your target area, don't stress! We'd simply suggest reaching out to the lead as you normally would, learn what led them to submit a lead and proceed accordingly. Maybe you can refer it out or maybe they live in your area after all and where simply checking the value of their dream home in another area.

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