Advertise Your Listings

Advertise Your Listings

What are Ads? Social Media and Web Ads allow you to promote your business and services to audiences across social media and online to help you gain visibility and exposure. 
Social Media Ads:

Web Ads:

How to advertise: Advertising your listings through your SocialBAY is simple and easy. Follow these steps to advertise your listings:
  1. Go to your Listings tab
  1. Select the listing you would like to advertise and select "Schedule a Listing Post”
  2. Select the Listing Status of your listing 
  3. Edit your caption if desired and choose your post overlay template 
  4. Select Continue
  5. Select “Yes, let’s advertise it!”
  6. Customize your targeting settings *Choose between the radius around the listing address OR by cities
  7. Select the type of campaign you would like to run: Social Media Ads, Web Ads, or a Bundle of both
Our recommendation is a Bundle to ensure you get the most exposure for your listing across the internet 
  1. Choose your campaign duration and your total budget. The minimum daily ad spend for one type of ad is $5 and the minimum daily ad spend for a bundle is $10; although the system will recommend an ad spend based on your listing price. 
  2. Choose if you want to include retargeting for an additional $5 per day (see below for more information on retargeting)
  3. Review your campaign summary & select Continue
  4. Select the day, time, and social media networks you would like your post to go out on
  5. Click “Schedule & Advertise” and you are good to go! 
You can now go to your Content Calendar to review your post before it goes out and make any edits if needed. 
If you selected Web Ads, please keep in mind that your web ad creative is NOT editable at this time. 

Useful Information About Your Ads:
  1. Ads can take up to 24 hours to be approved
  2. Wed Ad creative is not editable but your Social Media ad is. If you would like to edit it before it goes out, simply select the “Edit” button on the top right corner of the preview of your post
  3. Keep track of your post and ad analytics through your Analytics tab. You will see more detailed analytics for your ads here. Once your ad has been completed, the system will automatically generate a Listing Report for you. Read more about Listing Reports here. 
Retargeting: When people visit your Listing Website, we'll create ads that appear on the other websites they visit. This retargeting technology allows your ads to "follow" visitors around the internet.

Dark Ads
*If you run an ad in the creator, you can now uncheck Facebook as an organic network in the last step as shown below. This means that your ads will not appear as posts on your timeline, rather just run as a "dark ad" 

If you need assistance getting your Ad set-up, please contact our Support Team at

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