What is a Listing Report?

What is a Listing Report?

When you advertise a listing using your SocialBAY, our system will generate a Listing Report that you can share with your Seller to show them how hard you're working to promote their listing! You can also use these Listing Reports in future listing presentations with prospective sellers.

Keep in mind that posting is not the same as advertising. In order to get a listing report, you must advertise it. You can follow these instructions on how to post your listing, and you'll run into a step asking if you want to advertise. Make sure you click yes and you can choose how much you want to spend. Here's how to access a Listing Report for one of your advertised listings:

  1. Click the Listings Tab of your SocialBAY
  2. Find the listing you advertised and to its right, click Listing Report. You'll see options to view your Listing Report online, email it to your client, or download and print it.

Please be aware that listing reports are cumulative. If you advertise a listing twice, the listing report will combine the reach, impressions, and engagement of both ads.

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