Landing Pages

Landing Pages

With your SocialBAY, we offer three different landing pages. What is a landing page? The whole point of a landing page is to include a call to action (CTA) that entices a person to leave their contact information. Depending on what plan you are on, you may not have access to all of them. If you are interested in adding additional landing pages to your SocialBAY, please contact our support team at

Home Value: Our Home Value landing page allows someone to get a quick online estimate of what their home could be worth. We post your Home Value landing page for you automatically twice a month. To view your Home Value page, just select Landing Pages -> Home Value. Make sure you set one as your default! This will be the one we use for the two automatic posts per month. You can also customize this landing page so it represents you or your market/area better. To learn how to customize your Home Value landing page, just click here. 

Contact Form: Our Contact Form is simple and easy to use! This just allows someone to leave their contact information if they have a real estate related question. If you are on one of our content-provided plans, we include your Contact Form landing page as at least one scheduled post per month. Like your Home Value page, you can also customize your Contact Form page. Customize this page if you want to ask a very direct question out to your audience or target a very specific audience. Tp learn how to customize your Contact Form page, click here

Downloadable Guides: Our Downloadable Guides landing pages have pre-made, informational guides that allow your audience to receive valuable information about certain real estate related topics. If you are on a content-provided plan, we automatically post this landing page for you at least once per month. These guides allow for a lot of customization; even allowing you to upload your own downloadable guides! To learn home to customize your Downloadable Guide landing pages, click here.