NEW: Creating Template Categories in Design Studio Admin

NEW: Creating Template Categories in Design Studio Admin

You can now create, filter, and manage the templates your agents can access and use by using the Categories within Design Studio Admin. 

To Access the Category Management Portion of Design Studio Admin: 

  1. Click Design Studio in the left navigation. 
  2. Click Admin Management on the upper right.
  3. Click Templates in the left navigation. 
  4. Click Categories at the top. 

To Create a New Category in Design Studio Admin: 

  1. Click Create Category in the upper right. 
  2. Enter Your Category Name.
  3. Set the Work Space Visibility: Choose if you would like this Category to Show in the Workspace for your agents in Design Studio. This means that your agents will be able to see the templates in this category when they click View More in All Templates. If you do not have this set to display, your agents will not see any of the templates in this category. 
  4. Set the Homepage Visibility: Choose if you would like to create a shortcut on the homepage for this category. This means that your agents will see this Category on the Homepage of Design Studio and in the left hand navigation. 

To Manage the Categories in Design Studio Admin: 

1-For Categories that Back At You has created for you:
  1. You can drag and drop the order that the Categories will appear to your agents. 
  2. You can click the 3 dot action button and PREVIEW the templates in this category.
  3. You can click the 3 dot action button to HIDE the category from your agents-which means that they will not have access to any of the templates in that category. 
  4. You can click the 3 dot action button to HIDE SHORTCUT TO HOMEPAGE-which means that your agents will be able to see the templates when they click View All Templates but they will not see the Shortcut on the homepage or in the left hand navigation. 

2-For Categories that you create: 
  1. You can drag and drop the order that the Categories will appear to your agents. 
  2. You can click the 3 dot action button and PREVIEW the templates in this category.
  3. You can click the 3 dot action button to HIDE the category from your agents-which means that they will not have access to any of the templates in that category. 
  4. You can click the 3 dot action button to HIDE SHORTCUT TO HOMEPAGE-which means that your agents will be able to see the templates when they click View All Templates but they will not see the Shortcut on the homepage or in the left hand navigation.
  5. You can RENAME the category. 
  6. You can DELETE the category. *All templates that exclusively belong to this category will be marked as 'Uncategorized', while templates shared with other categories will retain their existing category tags.

3-To use the Filter Option for Categories: 
  1. Click the FILTER button in the middle left. 
  2. You can Filter by OWNER, which will let you choose Back At You templates or Your Company Name, which will be Categories you have created. 
  3. You can set the Filter to DISPLAY HIDDEN CATEGORIES - which will show all your categories regardless of the display option in workplace visibility. 
  4. You can set the Filter to DISPLAY CATEGORIES WITH HOMEPAGE SHORTCUT- which will show all your categories regardless of the display option in homepage visibility. 
  5. Click CLEAR ALL or APPLY ALL to set your FILTER. 
  6. You can then Manage Your Visibility Options

4-To use the SEARCH feature for Categories:
  1. Select the Category you would like to view from the drop down in the Search bar in the middle right hand side of the screen. 

If you would like a full tutorial on creating and categorizing templates you can view our help center article HERE. 

If you are interested in using or finding out more about using Design Studio Admin, please reach out to your Account Manager. If you do not know who your Account Manager is, please contact support at
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