How To Create A Listing Post

How To Create A Listing Post

It's very easy to schedule and post your listings through SocialBAY.

  1. Select  your Listings tab on the left hand side navigation menu where we house all of your listings.
  2. Find the listing you want to post out and select Schedule a Listing Post.
  3. Select anywhere with a pencil to begin editing that area.
  4. Choose your Listing banner status from the drop-down menu available and a listing overlay template. BONUS: Utilizing a status banner automatically fills in verbiage for you on your social media post caption. You can still edit this verbiage. 
  5. If everything else looks good, click Continue at the bottom. 
  6. If you'd like to advertise this post (absolutely necessary in order to reach a huge audience on Facebook and Instagram and/or the Web) set up your budget and targeting. If you just want to run this as a post and not advertise it out, select do not advertise. Then press Continue.
  7. Lastly, select the date and time when you'd like this post to go live on your social media profiles. Then click Schedule!
Keep in mind that posting is not the same as advertising. In order to get a listing report, you must advertise it. You can follow these instructions on how to post your listing, and you'll run into a step asking if you want to advertise. Make sure you click yes and you can choose how much you want to spend. Here's how to access a Listing Report for one of your advertised listings:

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