How to turn on Automated Content

How to turn on Automated Content

Back At You can automatically post out content to your connected Social Media Networks. 
Think of all of the time this can save you - from having to think about what to post, creating that post and even wondering if you are posting enough to help build your brand and maintain your brand awareness. We have your back!

Turn on Automated Back At You Content:

  1. Select your Settings Icon in the upper right hand corner of your SocialBAY platform
  2. Select Content
  3. Scroll down to Content Scheduling Frequency
  4. Select Every Other Day
  5. Press Save
Once Automated Content is turned on - you will see thirty days worth of content that we have created for you on your Content Calendar. You will also receive an email when you next batch (30 days worth of content) is ready.

All of the content we create for you can be edited, deleted and advertised!
To learn how to edit or delete content, click here
To learn how to advertise any content, click here

Set your Content Categories:

  1. Select your Settings Icon in the upper right hand corner of your SocialBAY platform
  2. Select Content
  3. Scroll down to Manage Content and hit Select Content Categories
  4. From the window that appears, you can hit the Show All link at the top and this will expose all the types of content that we create for you. If you uncheck a subject, we will not create content based on that subject. Leaving it check marked means that we will.
  5. Make sure to press Save when done!

Localize Your Content

We can create local recommendation posts and housing data charts based on your target market. 
  1. Select your Settings Icon in the upper right hand corner of your SocialBAY platform
  2. Select Content
  3. Scroll down to Localize Your Content
  4. Select Change
  5. In the box that appears, put your target market area(s)
  6. Select Save

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